About Us

We Help Laboratory Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers Succeed Online

With LabCommerce Pros, you’ll have a partner who understands the unique challenges of selling lab equipment supplies online.  We’re here to guide you through the digital landscape to unlock your online potential and create new streams of revenue for your lab equipment supplies business. 

Whether you’re new to eCommerce or already have a web presence, we provide specialized growth programs & technology to support your success at every stage of your eCommerce journey.

Diego Reyes is the Founder of LabCommercePros. He worked on his first eCommerce project in 2001. Since that time, he has helped launch over 100+ eCommerce businesses, making him one of the most experienced eCommerce experts in the industry. Our sister company, Odegi, began in 2008. After finding great success for our lab equipment industry clients, we decided to create LabCommerce Pros.

The LabCommerce Pros Advantage

Digital is in our DNA. We’ve helped create some of the lab equipment sales industry’s most successful growth stories. We’d love for yours to be next.

15+ Years
of eCommerce Success

Expertise in Lab Equipment Online Sales

Proven Accelerated Growth Program

Science Experts

Affordable & Predictable Pricing

The LabCommerce Pros Advantage

Digital is in our DNA. We’ve helped create some of the lab equipment sales industry’s most successful growth stories. We’d love for yours to be next.

15+ Years of eCommerce Success

Expertise in Lab Equipment Online Sales Growth

Proven Accelerated Growth Program

In-House Science Experts

Affordable & Predictable Pricing

Accelerated Growth Program

Unlock eCommerce success with our LabCommerce Accelerated Growth Program. 

By unifying multiple disciplines & leveraging tried-and-tested methods, we drive predictable results while removing the guesswork from online sales.