Your Definitive Ecommerce Marketing Checklist for Lab Equipment & Life Sciences

eCommerce Marketing Checklist Life Sciences & Lab Equipment-Digital

Navigating eCommerce can be intricate, especially for specialized sectors like lab equipment manufacturing and life sciences. With unique challenges in these fields, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t cut it. That’s where this guide comes in. Tailored precisely for your industry, this checklist provides direct, actionable steps to elevate your eCommerce game, from foundational basics to advanced strategies.

Don’t get left behind in the digital race—use this guide to harness the full potential of eCommerce for your lab equipment / life sciences business.


eCommerce Website Considerations for Life Sciences & Lab Equipment eCommerce Websites

  • Is the website design intuitive and easy to navigate on all devices, including various screen sizes and resolutions?
  • Are product categories well-organized?
  • Is site search prominent, and do you utilize AI-powered tools to deliver fast, accurate, and personalized on-site search results?
  • Do you have intuitive filters enabled on your eCommerce site, allowing customers to quickly and efficiently narrow down product options
  • Is the checkout process simple & streamlined with a one-step checkout option?
  • Is there a guest checkout option?
  • Do you make it easy for business accounts to shop online? i.e., accept POs, apply discounts, process tax exemptions, offer online quotes, quick order etc.
  • Is the site optimized for mobile devices?
  • Do you offer an easy way for customers to find technical resources, such as certificates, technical notes, manuals, catalogs, etc.?
  • Does your website load quickly (2 seconds or less)
  • Are you prominently displaying your unique selling points (USPs) and trust factors to build trust with your targeting customers?
  • Does your website convert visitors to sales at 3% or higher?

Merchandising Considerations for Life Sciences & Lab Equipment eCommerce Websites

  • Is your entire product catalog available online as engaging product web pages, avoiding the use of PDFs?
  • Are product descriptions detailed, complete & compelling ?
  • Do you showcase your products with high-quality images?
  • Are you effectively managing product variations or family products to ensure clear navigation and information for your customers?
  • Are you monitoring customer experience with tools like session recording, heat maps, and real-time analytics to identify improvement opportunities?
  • Are you leveraging product recommendations?
  • Are you regularly reviewing, analyzing, and optimizing site search to deliver the best search experience to your customers
  • Are you using on-site marketing techniques to effectively showcase promotions and featured products on your website, such as pop-ups, promotion pages, web banners, etc.?

Engagement Considerations for Life Sciences & Lab Equipment eCommerce Websites

  • Have you established a promotions calendar, outlining sales promotions and featured products, to drive engagement?
  • Are you regularly reviewing, analyzing, and optimizing site search to deliver the best search experience to your customers
  • Are you leveraging rich media and videos effectively to enhance the presentation of your products?
  • Are you utilizing on-site marketing methods like pop-ups, promotion pages, web banners etc. to effectively display promotions and featured products on your website?
  • Have you implemented an email marketing program that includes regular email broadcasts to keep your business top of mind?

Paid Search Considerations for Life Sciences & Lab Equipment eCommerce Websites

  • Are you running effective Google Search Ads?
  • Have you implemented Shopping Ads for product visibility?
  • Is your product data feed accurate and optimized for Shopping Ads?
  • Are dynamic remarketing ads being used to retarget users?
  • Do you advertise across both Google and Bing platforms?
  • Are your campaign structured with targeted ad groups, compelling text ads, and optimized landing pages?
  • Is conversion tracking in place to measure marketing effectiveness?

SEO Considerations for Life Sciences & Lab Equipment eCommerce Websites

  • Have you identified the right target keywords for your products and categories?
  • Have you optimized product titles and descriptions with relevant keywords?
  • Have you included meta descriptions for all pages?
  • Have you considered the needs of international customers, including language and currency preferences?
  • Have you analyzed competitors’ SEO strategies to identify opportunities and areas for improvement?
  • Have you optimized your website for search terms that include your brand name or specific product names?
  • Is your site aligned with Google’s Core Web Vitals for a better user experience?
  • Are you consistently creating new content, including blogging, to keep your audience engaged and improve SEO?
  • Does your website come up for the most important keywords for your products?

Tracking & Analytics Considerations for Life Sciences & Lab Equipment eCommerce Websites

  • Have you successfully set up tracking tools like Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to monitor site performance?
  • Are you tracking keyword rankings to understand how your products and content are performing in search engine results?
  • Have you identified and defined the key metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that align with your business goals?
  • Are you regularly analyzing the sources of your website traffic (e.g., organic search, social media, paid advertising)?
  • Are you tracking conversion rates for key actions like product purchases, product inquiries sign-ups, or other desired user behaviors?
  • Have you set up analytics to understand how customers are navigating your site, what they’re clicking on, and where they might be dropping off?
  • Are you monitoring sales trends, including best-selling products, average order value, and overall revenue?
  • Have you established specific goals and funnels within your analytics platform to track how users are progressing through various stages of the buying process?
  • Are you measuring the ROI (Return on Investment) of your marketing campaigns?

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